This volume contains the proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA '97). DASFAA '97 focused on advanced database technologies and their applications. The 55 papers in this volume cover a wide range of areas in the field of database systems and applications – including the rapidly emerging areas of the Internet, multimedia, and document database systems – and should be of great interest to all database system researchers and developers, and practitioners.
- A Cost Model for Parallel Navigational Access in Complex Object DBMSs (M Gesmann)
- Classifying Network Architectures for Locating Information Sources (R Dolin et al.)
- Supporting Object Migration in Distributed Systems (G Semeczko & S Y W Su)
- A Graph-Theoretic Model for Optimizing Large Join Queries (C Lee et al.)
- An Indexing Scheme for Structured Documents and Its Implementation (T Dao et al.)
- Use of a Persistent Graph Abstract Data Type for Representing CASE Tool Repositories (R M Colomb & A-G Eilertsen)
- A General Incremental Technique for Maintaining Discovered Association Rules (D W Cheung et al.)
- Performance in Practice of String Hashing Functions (M V Ramakrishna & J Zobel)
- An Integration Methodology for Autonomous Taxonomy Databases Using Priorities (H Kitakami et al.)
- Language Constructs for Reliable Distributed Real-Time Transaction (Y-I Yoon & J-H Cho)
- Implementing Temporal Databases in Object-Oriented Systems (A Steiner & M C Norrie)
- Efficient View Maintenance in a Multidatabase Environment (R-Q Chen & W-Y Meng)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers, developers, and practitioners in the field of database systems.