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Congratulations to the following winners of the Hojjat Adeli Award for Outstanding Contribution in Neural Systems
2024 winner: S. Shirani, A. Valentin, B. Abdi-Sargezeh, G. Alarcon, and S., "Sanei, Localization of Epileptic Brain Responses to Single-Pulse Electrical Stimulation by Developing an Adaptive Iterative Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Beamformer", IJNS, 33:10, 2023.
(Nottingham Trent University, King’s College London, University of Oxford, and University of Manchester)
2023 winner: Péter Kovács, Gergő Bognár, Christian Huber, and Mario Huemer, "VPNET: Variable Projection Networks", IJNS, 32,1, 2022
(Eötvös Loránd University, Johannes Kepler University Linz and Silicon Austria Labs)
2022 winner: C. Leracitano, F.C. Morabito, A. Hussain, and N. Mammone, "A hybrid-domain deep learning-based BCI for discriminating hand motion planning from EEG sources", IJNS, 31:9, 2021
(University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria and Edinburgh Napier University)
2021 winner: M. Leming, J.M. Gorriz, and J. Suckling, "Ensemble Deep Learning on Large, Mixed-Site fMRI Datasets in Autism and Other Tasks", IJNS, 30:7, 2020
(University of Cambridge and University of Granada)
2020 winner: Sang-Eon Park, Nealen G. Laxpati, Claire-Anne Gutekunst, Mark J. Connolly, Jack Tung, Ken Berglund, Babak Mahmoudi and Robert E. Gross, "A Machine Learning Approach to Characterize the Modulation of the Hippocampal Rhythms Via Optogenetic Stimulation of the Medial Septum", IJNS, 29:10, 2019
(Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University, and Stanford)
2019 winner: T.L. Eissa, C.A. Schevon, R.G. Emerson, G.M. Mckhann Jr., R.R. Goodman , and W. Van Drongelen, "The Relationship Between Ictal Multi-Unit Activity and the Electrocorticogram", IJNS, 28:10, 2017
(University of Chicago and Columbia University)
2018 winner: F. Weissenberger, F. Meier, J. Lengler, H. Einarsson, and A. Steger, "Long Synfire Chains Emerge by Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Modulated by Population Activity: Improved and Tight Results on Sequence Learning in Sparse Neuronal Networks", IJNS, 27:8, 2017
(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
2017 winner: Y. Yang, T. Solis-Escalante, J. Yao, A. Daffertshofer, A.C. Schouten, and F.C.T. Van der Helm, "A General Approach for Quantifying Nonlinear Connectivity in the Nervous System Based on Phase Coupling", IJNS, 26:1
(Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Northwestern University, USA, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, University of Twente, The Netherlands)
2016 winner: A. Deleforge, F. Forbes, and R. Horaud, "Acoustic Space Learning for Sound-source Separation and Localization on Binaural Manifolds", IJNS, 25:1, 2015
(INRIA, Grenoble, France)
2015 winner: J. Friedrich, R. Urbancziky, and W. Senn, "Code-specific Learning Rules Improve Action Selection by Populations of Spiking Neurons", IJNS, 24:5, 2014
(University of Cambridge, UK, University of Bern, Switzerland, and Columbia University)
2014 winner: J. D. Enderle and D. A. Sierra, "A New Linear Muscle Fiber Model for Neural Control of Saccades", IJNS, 23:2, 2013
(University of Connecticut, U.S.A.).
2013 winner: G. Van Dijck, K. Seidl, O. Paul, P. Ruther, M.M. Van Hulle and R. Maex, "Enhancing the yield of high-density electrode arrays through automated electrode selection", IJNS, 22:1, 2012
(Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, University of Freiburg, Germany, and University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom).