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Electricity Generation Through Water Supply Pipes in High Rise Buildings by:14 (Source: Crossref)

    Day by day, with the improved per capita demand and increasing population, energy requirements are increasing globally. Big organizations are trying to develop zero energy establishments by using solar rooftop systems and by following green building norms. This paper proposes to utilize the kinetic energy of water falling in high-rise buildings for the generation of electricity. This study proposes the idea of extracting electric power from falling water in high-rise buildings. A 15m high building is considered for the study, having sufficient water head to run a micro-hydro turbine. Hydraulic turbines are stationed at each storey of the building, which employs the water energy for the generation of electricity. Analytically, the suggested setup is commercially propitious for several major cities of the country. The economic review of the suggested setup is discussed for possible commercialization of the idea.


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