A review on the dielectric materials for high energy-storage application
With the fast development of the power electronics, dielectric materials with high energy-storage density, low loss, and good temperature stability are eagerly desired for the potential application in advanced pulsed capacitors. Based on the physical principals, the materials with higher saturated polarization, smaller remnant polarization, and higher electrical breakdown field are the most promising candidates. According to this rule, so far, four kinds of materials, namely antiferroelectrics, dielectric glass-ceramics, relaxor ferroelectric and polymer-based ferroelectrics are thought to be more likely used in next-generation pulsed capacitors, and have been widely studied. Thus, this review serves to give an overall summary on the state-of-the-art progress on electric energy-storage performance in these materials. Moreover, some general future prospects are also provided from the existed theoretical and experimental results in this work, in order to propel their application in practice.
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