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On members of Lucas sequences which are products of Catalan numbers by:1 (Source: Crossref)

    We show that if {Un}n0 is a Lucas sequence, then the largest n suc that |Un|=Cm1Cm2Cmk with 1m1m2mk, where Cm is the mth Catalan number satisfies n<6500. In case the roots of the Lucas sequence are real, we have n{1,2,3,4,6,8,12}. As a consequence, we show that if {Xn}n1 is the sequence of the X coordinates of a Pell equation X2dY2=±1 with a nonsquare integer d>1, then Xn=Cm implies n=1.

    AMSC: 11B39, 11B65, 11D72, 11D45


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