We re-examine some critical values of symmetric square L-functions for cusp forms of level one. We construct some more of the elements of large prime order in Shafarevich–Tate groups, demanded by the Bloch–Kato conjecture. For this, we use the Galois interpretation of Kurokawa-style congruences between vector-valued Siegel modular forms of genus two (cusp forms and Klingen–Eisenstein series), making further use of a construction due to Urban. We must assume that certain 4-dimensional Galois representations are symplectic. Our calculations with Fourier expansions use the Eholzer–Ibukiyama generalization of the Rankin–Cohen brackets. We also construct some elements of global torsion which should, according to the Bloch–Kato conjecture, contribute a factor to the denominator of the rightmost critical value of the standard L-function of the Siegel cusp form. Then we prove, under certain conditions, that the factor does occur.
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