Investigating the Impact of Using Knowledge Management on Organisational Agility through Competitive Intelligence and Strategic Thinking
Agility is a necessary condition, which is known as the main factor for the success of corporations to compete. In this sense, organisations have to determine their strategic priorities and accordingly develop and implement appropriate strategies in order to preserve their growth and survival. Meanwhile, managers play an important role in the process of strategic planning and making decisions related to their way of thinking. In addition, the existence of competitive intelligence plan for organisations has a striking role to optimally use the existing opportunities and using knowledge management (KM) in the organisation provides a platform to do so. This work aims to study the impact of using knowledge management on organisational agility as a case study in the ceramic and tile industry of the provinces of Yazd and Kerman. The data was collected using questionnaires. The structural equation modelling was used to analyse the research hypotheses using LISREL software. The results of the study showed that knowledge management application has a positive and significant effect on agility through using competitive intelligence and strategic thinking.
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