Human nasal airflow in a healthy and partially blocked cavities is investigated using computational and experimental means. While previous studies focused on the flow inside the nasal cavity, this study also looks at the external air stream coming out of the nostrils. The aim is to investigate the airflow subject to partial blocking in the nasal cavity and assess the potential of using a flow visualization method to identify abnormal nasal geometry. Two methods of study are used: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and experiment based on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Nasal cavity geometry is reconstructed from CT scans. The flow visualization Schileren method is also demonstrated. The computational results agree well with the previous results in terms of Nasal Resistance (NR) and character of the internal flow. Good agreement is also found in the external aerodynamics during expiration between the computational and experimental results. Several generic partial blockages are investigated to show changes in NR, turbulence energy and the air stream leaving the nostrils during expiration. Anterior blockages are found to have more profound effects on all these three aspects, but all show effects on the external air stream. A possible universal angle for the external air stream emitted by a healthy nasal cavity is discussed.
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