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The Noether–Lefschetz locus of surfaces in toric threefolds by:6 (Source: Crossref)

    The Noether–Lefschetz theorem asserts that any curve in a very general surface X in 3 of degree d4 is a restriction of a surface in the ambient space, that is, the Picard number of X is 1. We proved previously that under some conditions, which replace the condition d4, a very general surface in a simplicial toric threefold Σ (with orbifold singularities) has the same Picard number as Σ. Here we define the Noether–Lefschetz loci of quasi-smooth surfaces in Σ in a linear system of a Cartier ample divisor with respect to a (1)-regular, respectively 0-regular, ample Cartier divisor, and give bounds on their codimensions. We also study the components of the Noether–Lefschetz loci which contain a line, defined as a rational curve which is minimal in a suitable sense.

    AMSC: 14C22, 14J70, 14M25


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