Given two sets A and B of m non-crossing line segments in the plane, we show how to compute in O(m log m) time a data structure that uses O(m) storage and supports the following query in O(log m) time: Given a parabola γ : y = ax2 + bx + c, does γ separate A and B? This structure can be used to build a data structure that stores a simple polygon and allows ray-shooting queries along parabolic trajectories with vertical main axis. For a polygon of complexity n, we can answer such "stone-throwing" queries in O(log2 n) time, using O(n log n) storage and O(n log2 n) preprocessing time. This matches the best known bound for circular ray shooting in simple polygons.
This research was supported by the French-Korean Science and Technology Amicable Relationships program (STAR).
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