Recommender systems have already been engaging multiple criteria for the production of recommendations. Such systems, referred to as multicriteria recommenders, demonstrated early the potential of applying Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods to facilitate recommendation in numerous application domains. On the other hand, systematic implementation and testing of multicriteria recommender systems in the context of real-life applications still remains rather limited. Previous studies dealing with the evaluation of recommender systems have outlined the importance of carrying out careful testing and parameterization of a recommender system, before it is actually deployed in a real setting. In this paper, the experimental analysis of several design options for three proposed multiattribute utility collaborative filtering algorithms is presented for a particular application context (recommendation of e-markets to online customers), under conditions similar to the ones expected during actual operation. The results of this study indicate that the performance of recommendation algorithms depends on the characteristics of the application context, as these are reflected on the properties of evaluations' data set. Therefore, it is judged important to experimentally analyze various design choices for multicriteria recommender systems, before their actual deployment.
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