Electroacupuncture and Exercise in Body Weight Reduction and their Application in Rehabilitating Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
The efficacy of ear electroacupuncture on appetite and weight control was investigated in 3 separate studies. Part I: The Stomach, Hunger, or placebo ear points were stimulated in three different groups. Stimulating the Stomach, or Hunger, points was significantly more effective in appetite control than stimulating the placebo points. Part II: Stimulation of 3 pairs of ear points (Stomach, Hunger, and Shen Men) was performed on 61 obese subjects for 8 weeks. Only 43 subjects engaged, in addition, in an exercise program. 79% of the subjects succeeded to follow a low calorie diet for 8 weeks with subsequent weight reduction. Active exercises significantly increased weight loss. Part III: 19 obese patients with knee osteoarthritis participated in electroacupuncture, diet, and exercise program and 89% of them lost 5-10 kg in 8 weeks.
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