The Five Cosmic Elements as Depicted in Indian and Chinese Cosmologies
Indian and Chinese Cosmologies are compared, each containing five cosmic elements. The Indian elements are Akasha, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Akasha connotes Creative energy. As depicted it is substituted by reproduction projected as creation. Hence the male and female generative organs as Lingam-Yoni, already recognized in Hinduism as symbolizing the source of creative energy, have been depicted as such. The other four elements represent creation proper. In Chinese cosmology the full term is "Yin-Yang-Wu-Hshing." Wu-Hshing signifies Five-Cosmic elements and these are Wood, Fire, Water, Earth and Metal. They are taken from Iran. Since there is no element to represent creative energy this is expressed by the term Yin-Yang, or Black and White in lieu of male-female or Lingam-Yoni of Indian cosmology. The organs of reproduction have been projected as the opposites that generate creative energy. Virtually Yin-Yang=Lingam-Yoni=Creative energy generators.
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