Graph Connectivity in Log Steps Using Label Propagation
The fastest deterministic algorithms for connected components take logarithmic time and perform superlinear work on a Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM). These algorithms maintain a spanning forest by merging and compressing trees, which requires pointer-chasing operations that increase memory access latency and are limited to shared-memory systems. Many of these PRAM algorithms are also very complicated to implement. Another popular method is “leader-contraction” where the challenge is to select a constant fraction of leaders that are adjacent to a constant fraction of non-leaders with high probability, but this can require adding more edges than were in the original graph. Instead we investigate label propagation because it is deterministic, easy to implement, and does not rely on pointer-chasing. Label propagation exchanges representative labels within a component using simple graph traversal, but it is inherently difficult to complete in a sublinear number of steps. We are able to overcome the problems with label propagation for graph connectivity.
We introduce a surprisingly simple framework for deterministic, undirected graph connectivity using label propagation that is easily adaptable to many computational models. It achieves logarithmic convergence independently of the number of processors and without increasing the edge count. We employ a novel method of propagating directed edges in alternating direction while performing minimum reduction on vertex labels. We present new algorithms in PRAM, Stream, and MapReduce. Given a simple, undirected graph with vertices, edges, our approach takes O(m) work each step, but we can only prove logarithmic convergence on a path graph. It was conjectured by Liu and Tarjan (2019) to take steps or possibly steps. Our experiments on a range of difficult graphs also suggest logarithmic convergence. We leave the proof of convergence as an open problem.
Communicated by Andrew Adamatzky
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