Denoising of scanning electron microscope images for biological ultrastructure enhancement
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is of great significance for analyzing the ultrastructure. However, due to the requirements of data throughput and electron dose of biological samples in the imaging process, the SEM image of biological samples is often occupied by noise which severely affects the observation of ultrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and establish a noise model of SEM and propose an effective denoising algorithm that can preserve the ultrastructure. We first investigated the noise source of SEM images and introduced a signal-related SEM noise model. Then, we validated the effectiveness of the noise model through experiments, which are designed with standard samples to reflect the relation between real signal intensity and noise. Based on the SEM noise model and traditional variance stabilization denoising strategy, we proposed a novel, two-stage denoising method. In the first stage variance stabilization, our VS-Net realizes the separation of signal-dependent noise and signal in the SEM image. In the second stage denoising, our D-Net employs the structure of U-Net and combines the attention mechanism to achieve efficient noise removal. Compared with other existing denoising methods for SEM images, our proposed method is more competitive in objective evaluation and visual effects. Source code is available on GitHub (
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