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Spline representation and redundancies of one-dimensional ReLU neural network models by:3 (Source: Crossref)
    This article is part of the issue:

    We analyze the structure of a one-dimensional deep ReLU neural network (ReLU DNN) in comparison to the model of continuous piecewise linear (CPL) spline functions with arbitrary knots. In particular, we give a recursive algorithm to transfer the parameter set determining the ReLU DNN into the parameter set of a CPL spline function. Using this representation, we show that after removing the well-known parameter redundancies of the ReLU DNN, which are caused by the positive scaling property, all remaining parameters are independent. Moreover, we show that the ReLU DNN with one, two or three hidden layers can represent CPL spline functions with K arbitrarily prescribed knots (breakpoints), where K is the number of real parameters determining the normalized ReLU DNN (up to the output layer parameters). Our findings are useful to fix a priori conditions on the ReLU DNN to achieve an output with prescribed breakpoints and function values.

    AMSC: 41A15, 65D05, 68T07


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