As an introduction to this Special Issue of International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance in Honour of the Memory of Thomas Robert Hurd, we present a brief synopsis of Tom Hurd’s scientific career and a bibliography of his publications.
- M. G. Eastwood, L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1979) Massless fields based on the twisted cubic, Twistor Newsletter No. 8, 47–52. Reprinted in: L. P. Hughston & R. S. Ward (eds.) (1979) Advances in Twistor Theory, Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 37, 110–120. London: Pitman. Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1979) Some remarks on grand unified theories. Twistor Newsletter No. 9, 26–27. Reprinted as Twistor multiplets in grand unified theories. In: Further Advances in Twistor Theory, Vol. I: The Penrose Transform and its Applications (Fatt I), Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 231 (L. J. Mason & L. P. Hughston, eds.), 185–186. Harlow, Essex: Longman (1990). Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1980a) Mass, cohomology and spin. Twistor Newsletter No. 10, 1–4. Fatt I, 188–190. Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1980b) Massive particle states and n-point massless fields. Twistor Newsletter No. 11, 13–16. Fatt I, 193–196. Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1980c) Helicity raising operators and conformal supersymmetry. Twistor Newsletter No. 11, 29–30. Fatt I, 197–199. Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1981a) Extensions of massless fields into . Twistor Newsletter No. 12, 15–17. Fatt I, 28–30. Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1981b) Conformal weight and spin bundles. Twistor Newsletter No. 12, 18–20. Fatt I, 31–33. Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1981c) The kinematic sequence revisited. Twistor Newsletter No. 13, 18–19. Reprinted in: Further Advances in Twistor Theory, Vol. II: Integrable Systems, Conformal Geometry and Gravitation (Fatt II), Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 232 (L. J. Mason, L. P. Hughston & P. Z. Kobak, eds.), 186–187. Harlow, Essex: Longman (1995). Google Scholar
- L. P. Hughston & T. R. Hurd (1981d) New approach to Bose and Fermi statistics. Twistor Newsletter No. 13, 31–34. Fatt I, 204–207. Google Scholar
- 1981e) A cohomological treatment of massive fields, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 378, 141–154. Google Scholar (
- T. R. Hurd (1982) Conformal Geometry and its Applications to Relativistic Quantum Theory. D. Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford. Google Scholar
- 1983a) A manifestly conformally covariant integral formula for massless fields, Physics Letters B 124, 362–364. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 1983b) A geometrical approach to Bose and Fermi statistics, Physics Letters B 127, 201–203. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 1983c) A calculus for space-time fields, Physics Reports 100, 273–326. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- T. R. Hurd (1983) Cosmological models in , Twistor NewsletterNo. 16, 2–5. Fatt II, 142–145. Google Scholar
- T. R. Hurd (1984) On functional integration, Twistor Newsletter No. 17, 29–30. Google Scholar
- 1985) The projective geometry of simple cosmological models, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 397, 233–243. Google Scholar (
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Renormalization of massless quantum electrodynamics . In: Mathematical Quantum Field Theory and Related Topics,CMS Conference Proceedings , Vol. 9 ( J. Feldman & L. Rosen, eds.), 161–168. Providence, Rhode Island: AMS-CMS. Google Scholar ( - 1988b) A power counting formula for short distance singularities in quantum field theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics 29, 2112–2117. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 1991) A renormalization group analysis of the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase, Communications in Mathematical Physics 137, 263–287. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 1992a) A renormalization group analysis of infrared QED, Journal of Mathematical Physics 33, 814–821. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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Weak perturbations of Gaussian measures . In: Mathematical Quantum Theory I: Field Theory and Many-Body Theory,Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) Proceedings & Lecture Notes , Vol. 7 ( J. Feldman, R. Froese & L. Rosen, eds.), 1–28. Providence, Rhode Island: AMS. Crossref, Google Scholar ( - 1994b)
Applications of the renormalization group . In: Mathematical Quantum Theory I: Field Theory and Many-Body Theory,Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) Proceedings & Lecture Notes , Vol. 7 ( J. Feldman, R. Froese & L. Rosen, eds.), 171–189. Providence, Rhode Island: AMS. Crossref, Google Scholar ( - 1995)
Mass generation in a one-dimensional Fermi model . In: Constructive Physics: Results in Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics,Proceedings, Palaiseau, France 1994 ( V. Rivasseau, ed.), 161–168. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Crossref, Google Scholar ( - 1995)
Charge correlations for the two dimensional Coulomb gas . In: Constructive Physics: Results in Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics,Proceedings, Palaiseau, France 1994 ( V. Rivasseau, ed.), 311–326. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Crossref, Google Scholar ( - 1995) The short distance behaviour of , Communications in Mathematical Physics 172, 143–186. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 1996) The -expansion as a perturbation about the mean field theory: A one-dimensional Fermi model, Communications in Mathematical Physics 179, 623–646. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 1998a) Estimates on renormalization group transformations, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 50, 756–793. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2000) Sine-Gordon revisited, Ann. Henri Poincaré 1, 499–541. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2001)
Measures of dependence for multivariate Lévy distributions . In: Disordered and Complex Systems.AIP Conference Proceedings , Vol. 553 ( P. Sollich, A. C. C. Coolen, L. P. Hughston & R. F. Streater, eds.), 289–295. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics. Google Scholar ( - 2004) A note on log-optimal portfolios in exponential Lévy markets, Statistics & Decisions 22 (3), 225–233. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 2005) Wiener chaos and the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 461, 459–479. Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2007) Affine Markov chain models of multi-firm credit migration, Journal of Credit Risk 3 (1), 3–29. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 2007) Indifference pricing and hedging for volatility derivatives, Applied Mathematical Finance 14, 303–317. Crossref, Google Scholar (
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- 2009) Portfolio choice with jumps: A closed form solution, Annals of Applied Probability 19 (2), 556–584. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 2009) On the first passage time for Brownian motion subordinated by a Lévy process, Journal of Applied Probability 46 (1), 181–198. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2011) Randomized structural models of credit spreads, Quantitative Finance 11 (9), 1301–1313. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2013) On Watts’ cascade model with random link weights, Journal of Complex Networks 1 (1), 25–43. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 2013)
Systemic risk in banking networks without Monte Carlo simulation . In: Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications,Mathematics in Industry , Vol. 18 ( E. Kranakis, ed.), 27–56. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Google Scholar ( - 2016) Portfolio choice in markets with contagion, Journal of Financial Econometrics 14 (1), 1–28. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 2016) Double cascade model of financial crises, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 19 (5), 1–27. Link, Google Scholar (
- 2016) Contagion! Systemic Risk in Financial Networks,
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The construction and properties of assortative configuration graphs . In: Recent Progress and Modern Challenges in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science,Fields Institute Communications ( R. Melnik, ed.), 323–346. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Crossref, Google Scholar ( - 2017) A framework for analyzing contagion in assortative banking networks, PLoS One 12 (2), 0170579. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2018) Bank panics and fire sales, insolvency and illiquidity, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 21 (6), 1850040. Link, Google Scholar (
- 2018) The fifth-degree continuous-discrete cubature Kalman filter for radar, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 12 (10), 1225–1232. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 2021a) COVID-19: Analytics of contagion on inhomogeneous random social networks, Infectious Disease Modelling 6, 75–90. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
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- 2021) Impact of asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers on pandemic policy outcomes, Infectious Disease Modelling 7 (1), 16–29. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 2022) Business closure and (re)openings in real-time using Google Places: Proof of concept, Journal of Risk and Financial Management 15 (4), 15040183. Crossref, Google Scholar (
- 2023) Systemic cascades on inhomogeneous random financial networks, Mathematics and Financial Economics 17, 1–21. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 2023) Contingent convertible obligations and financial stability, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 14 (1), 158–187. Crossref, Web of Science, Google Scholar (
- 2024) Netting and novation in repo networks, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 27 (3,4), 2450017. Link, Google Scholar (
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