In this paper we attempt to face common problems of handwritten documents such as nonparallel text lines in a page, hill and dale writing, slanted and connected characters. Towards this end an integrated system for document image preprocessing is presented. This system consists of the following modules: skew angle estimation and correction, line and word segmentation, slope and slant correction. The skew angle correction, slope correction and slant removing algorithms are based on a novel method that is a combination of the projection profile technique and the Wigner–Ville distribution. Furthermore, the skew angle correction algorithm can cope with pages whose text line skew angles vary, and handle them by areas. Our system can be used as a preprocessing stage to any handwriting character recognition or segmentation system as well as to any writer identification system. It was tested in a wide variety of handwritten document images of unconstrained English and Modern Greek text from about 100 writers. Additionally, combinations of the above algorithms have been used in the framework of the ACCeSS system (European project LE-1 1802, aiming at the automatic processing of application forms of insurance companies) as well as in the processing of GRUHD and IAM-B databases for automating the procedure of extracting data.
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