Chapter 12: More than Just a Game: The Challenge of Changing Emerging Adult Behaviour by Marketing to Gamers
Playing computer games is now a mainstream pastime that touches every demographic. Advances in computer technology and internet speeds have seen a proliferation of popular online games and related activities such as game streaming and localised and international esports tournaments. The growth in the media landscape for online games has opened a plethora of digital marketing opportunities within these spaces. However, this growth is combined with the potential health risks that come with increased screen time and sedentary behaviour. With a focus on emerging adults (EAs) aged 18–25, this chapter explores engagement with online games. Using a behavioural ecological approach, the chapter explores a range of influences that intersect with EAs’ use of online games and the impact that these influences can have on EAs’ real-life behaviours. The chapter discusses opportunities for social marketing through online games and highlights the need for further work in understanding and using online games and related activities in changing behaviour.